Monday, November 13, 2017

It's the Most Wonderful Time...Of the Year.

A Cavity Free Holiday

I've already been reminded by the girls at the office that Christmas is around the corner.  I was even coerced into playing Christmas music the day after Halloween.  For me Christmas is what makes the winter and cold bearable.  I love the sights and sounds and seeing so many acts of generosity.  

So we have some quick tips for you in trying to avoid cavities during the holiday season.  We all know I have the BIGGEST sweet tooth!  I'm always digging in the candy container at work.  So here they are:

1)  It's best to eat your sweets right after your meal.
  • Your saliva increases during meals and helps wash away and dilute the affects of sugar on your teeth.  A good amount of water after eating sweets will help as well.
2) Dry mouth is always a problem when it comes to cavities.  
  • Stay hydrated!  Unfortunately alcohol also aids in making us dehydrated so make sure to get water in your system if you choose to drink the Egg Nog.
3) Easy on those hard candies and nuts.
  • Just make sure you are careful.  It's the peanut brittle that pulls off the crowns or the nuts and hard candies like my favorite (butterscotch) that chips teeth or breaks fillings.
4) Cakes and starchy foods (chips, bread, etc) are easy to get  
     stuck and hide between your teeth.  
  • So just take your time and floss before you brush so the food doesn't just sit on your teeth all night.  
5)  Water is your friend.  
  • You can find water anywhere.  So in the event you have some sweets, (remember there is just as much sugar in juice and soda) finish the sweets you want and if a toothbrush isn't close or appropriate at the time, swish some water around and use your tongue to remove the food and sugar that you can.
6)  Chew sugar-free gum.
  • Gum helps with saliva production and it can also help you resist more sweets.  The gum and saliva will help wash away some of the bacteria from the sweets we eat.

~Dr D, Misty, Elaine, Lisa and Alisha